Saturday, November 20, 2010

Forever Young, I Want To Be Forever Young.

I’m officially 21!

Did something today for the first time.

And that is….

To watch a movie alone!

And this is what I watched!


Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part One

I totally love it!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Only When I Sleep.

For the past 2 weeks, it hasn’t been quite pleasant. One sickness after another smacked me. Have been having stomach flu for 2 weeks so I decided to visit the doctor. The next day, my stomach got better and i started to have sore throat. I slowly lost my voice and got a cough. Now, I can’t stop coughing. It’s only when i sleep I don’t cough. No, actually I’ve woken up a few times because i needed to cough. I believe that my God is a Healer.

In the midst of UT1 and this week is just packed. 2 UTs and 1 assignment dateline. I’m starting to feel the stress and pressure of school. I can’t wait to graduate. Feels like I’m walking through hell!

Saving up money so that I can go shopping at the end of the year. There’s so many things that I want to buy but got to save. At least now I got one thing lesser to save for and that’s my driving. Mompy said she’s going to sponsor me but I also got to save more also. Thank God for this blessing!

I was rushing to CG last Friday, took a cab down. And from downstairs, I could hear my CG worshipping. At that moment, I just wanted to teleport up. And when I stepped into the house, tears started streaming down my eyes cause His presence was so strong that it was impossible to deny. I don’t know what I would do without His love. Truly, His love is more than enough for me.

Things hasn’t been easy. Sometimes I find myself lost and confused in my thoughts and emotions. Things I wish I knew how to put into words to share, but I can’t.


You’re all the love I need to have. It’s like a dream. Although I’m not asleep, I never want to wake up.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cup Of Joy.

Cup Of Joy

Happiness many times come in the small things in life. Lately, I’ve been feeling really happy. Even though there were times where I felt really down. I thank God that there is always something that I can be grateful for. There is always a reason for all of us to be happy. I don’t ever want to go through a day without being happy. Happiness is a choice; it comes from within.

I haven’t been feeling well lately. Stomach has been rather problematic. I don’t know why it has been feeling weird lately. I believe for full recovery!

We’re in the last 2 months of 2010. As I look back, 2010 was a pretty challenging year. At the same time, 2010 has been the best year yet for me. I’m looking forward to 2011! However, as i recall on the goals I have set at the beginning of the year, there were many that I didn’t mange to achieve. I learnt something, for me, I set so many goals that I am not focus. This caused me to not be able to achieve some of the goals due to the lack of focus. So for next year, I will set some more important goals and work towards it before I set others.

God is good!