Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happiness Is.

Ups and downs are all part and parcel of life. However, the choice of happiness lies in us. We hold the power to choose our emotions. It isn’t very hard to choose to be happy. But it takes a lot of courage to be happy in the midst of a valley moment. And i thank God that His love and joy is always so overwhelming to me.

I can’t wait for Saturday to come cause I am going to do my hair again. I guess it’s an annual thing. But I really don’t know what to do with it this time. I don’t want to walk out of the place looking the same as last year! Any suggestions? Well, we’ll see.

I’ve been begging my Mum to get me a television. But she still isn’t supportive of it. but today, my uncle said he will be giving me one! Yippee! I can’t express in words my excitement and happiness about getting a television. I guess to many, it isn’t a big deal. But i haven’t watched television, as in really sit down an watch for more than an hour for the past 9 years? So I am really excited to be getting one.

P.S: I will turn your grey skies back to blue cause there’s nothing I won’t do for you.