Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Stepping Into 2011.


2010 is over and 2011 is here.

Last year was a year of challenges. And I’m so glad that it is over and here is the new year. New year, new beginning and the past is past.

2011 has been pretty good to me so far. A lot of work to do and the stress of school is crippling in. But it’s all part and parcel of life and I’m excited for these challenges.

Well, new year is all about setting goals. So this is what I have on my table:


This are some things I want to see and achieve for this year. Well, there’s more but I haven’t took the time to sit down and ponder about it. Shall do it this weekend!

I am grateful for the people who are placed in my life and those who have stood by me. Indeed, I’m counting my blessings, each one of them. (:

Looking forward to a great year!